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About 40 years ago, Hilário Cola started the history of Fazenda Cola, located on the border between Santa Maria and Santa Leopoldina. Invested in coffee production for 20 years, obtaining great results! ⁣


A little over 20 years ago, started with the production of ginger, being one of the pioneers in the region, which today is the largest root producer in Brazil! The farm is located in Santa Leopoldina, famous for the Cachoeira da Mata.


The waterfall got its name due to the large Atlantic forest that surrounds it. It is an immensity of forest that is preserved inside Fazenda Cola and is linked to neighboring properties. An internationally certified packaging area takes advantage of the force of the waterfall's fall to generate green energy that is used in the preparation of ginger.


Today, Fazenda Cola is managed by Fernando and Rafael Cola, who have a partnership of more than 50 families for the production and export of ginger, turmeric and sweet potatoes!

Our history
Our team
Image by Dan Meyers

Our team

We have a team specialized in cultivation, logistics and sales to meet market demands. Meet the Cola Foods team.

Rafael Cola

Rafael Cola

Co-Founder & CEO


Fernando Cola



Carolina Marques

Outsourced Sales Rep

Pedro Loureiro

Pedro Loureiro

Business Development

Vilson Strela

Vilson Strela


Karine Fernandes

Administrative Assistant

Natalia Guerrieri

Natalia Guerrieri

Quality Assurance


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If you have any doubt or need more information about our products, please, send us a message and we will get back to you soon.

Santa Leopoldina, Espírito Santo - Brazil

We appreciate your message and we will get back to you soon.

Europe Branch Office 

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COLA FOODS . 2020 Todos os Direitos Reservados. CNPJ 39.994.294/0001-50 / Espírito Santo - Brasil / Política de Privacidade

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